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signs that it's been a long week

When we were visiting them at Christmas, Sister related a little story about the Fabulous Miss M having lost her temper the day before with her mom and, in searching for the worst thing she could think of to call Sister, angrily declared her a "Doodie poodie whack-a-noodie". As one does.

We laughed about it the whole time we were there and for the rest of vacation, it was a running joke between Sal and me. Then we both headed back to work and I forgot about it.

Until this morning, on my way to the office. Some jerk who'd been riding my butt since the 405 interchange sped up to pass me, then changed sharply back into my lane to take the same exit I was headed for, practically clipping the corner of my car and making me hit the break in alarm. It's a good thing my window and his weren't rolled down, because I'm pretty sure if he'd heard me bust out with an angry "Doodie poodie whack-a-noodie!", he would've laughed his jerk ass off.

lunch, Ms. Bento:

  • fettucine with marinara
  • carrots and steamed broccoli
  • satsuma and kiwi half; Sal's homemade mango gelees, chocolate caramels, and apricot-walnut nougat

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Reader Comments (2)

Apricot-walnut nougat! Oh, that looks delicious!

Well, it all does, but that's extra-special.

Jan 13, 2011 at 5:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnne Hawley

It's downright decadent! He makes it during every trimester for a class demonstration, so he tries to keep from falling in a rut by changing up the fruit and nut combination each time. My favorite so far is the cherry-hazelnut combination, followed closely by the cranberry-pistachio combination. But who am I kidding really? They're all good.

(He also changes up the gelee flavor; I love the mango one, but I think blackberry is probably still my favorite of the gelees that he does.)

Jan 14, 2011 at 12:34 PM | Registered CommenterBitty

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